Our Swimming Pathway in 5 Squads
We have developed a system of squads that feed into each other, providing clear routes for swimmers of all ages and aspirations, be these competition or fitness. We also continue to be a hub for para swimmers in the region. Our timetable is divided into defined sections giving swimmers a flexible choice of training nights, whilst incorporating a certain training ethos for swimmers in the competitive squads, including Masters who wish to train to compete. There is no compulsory attendance, but rather a strongly recommended number of training sessions for each squad with appropriate attendance at galas encouraged. Coaches will cover various squads and the standardised structure will mean coaching and expectations will be uniform across sessions and coaches. The club has five swimming squads to which individuals are allocated dependent upon ability. Only the masters, squad 5, is age dependent. Regular meetings between coaches, and time trials within sessions, are used to assess development and allow progression within lanes and transition between squads. Structuring training this way ensures that the skills of the swimmer are compatible with the squad and a lively training regime that all can enjoy.